Copyright questions

Copyright FAQs - answers to common questions and misconceptions about copyright.
Can logos be registered and how copyright protects logos? Logo copyright is the subject of many enquiries we receive. This page deals with the common questions surrounding this subject.
Copyright and names: Understanding the rules covering names, why copyright does not apply, and what protection is available
Copyright titles: Understanding the rules covering names, why copyright does not apply, and what protection is available
Understanding copyright law 101 - a simple, easy to understand introductory guide to copyright rules and international IP legislation.
Names, titles and short phrases are not generally considered unique enough to be awarded copyright protection in their own right. This fact sheet explains the legal position,and what cover is available
Domain Names: Understanding the rules covering names, why copyright does not apply, and what protection is available
We are often asked if it is possible to copyright ideas or protect concepts. This page explains what can and cannot be protected.
Registration guidance. Registering copyright works written by many authors - i.e. musical bands or groups.
The ten most common copyright myths, misconceptions or misunderstandings about copyright.